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How to buy your home from Camella or Lumina

March 19, 2017

I am planning of buying a house from Camella.  What are the procedures?

This is a question I would receive from inquiries regarding owning a Camella home.
To answer this, we checked Camella's website, and here are the steps provided for the Buyers Guide.

Step 1 Project Presentation

The Property Consultant shares to the Buyer the details (overview, available house models, amenities, financing options) of the Camella project he/she is interested in.

Step 2 Property Visit

The Camella property is visited by the Buyer with an accredited Camella Seller or Property Consultant for a better appreciation of the property's location, amenities, road networks, landmarks and other places of interest in the area.

Step 3 Reservation Application

The Buyer chooses the desired location of the Camella property he/she wishes to purchase. The client will be asked to fill-out the necessary details in the Buyer's Information Sheet, Quotation Sheet and Reservation Agreement. The purchase is formalized upon payment of the reservation fee in any Camella Sales Office.

Step 4 Marketing and Administrative Briefing

After signing the Reservation Agreement and Quotation Sheet, the Buyer will be given a briefing conducted by a Camella Marketing Officer and Administrative Accounts Officers before paying the reservation fee. The brief will cover discussion of Camella reservation process, documentary requirements, step-by-step process prior to Move-in or House Turnover, housing and administrative policies and the timeline.

Step 5 Submission of Requirements

After the briefing and securing copies of duly filled-out forms, the Buyer is given 30 days upon reservation to submit the necessary documents (as required) for the purchase. Requirements may vary depending on employment status (if Locally Employed, Self-employed, or OFW, and payment scheme). The Camella property is already reserved under the Buyer's name.

Step 6 Move-In / Turnover of Property

Once the house construction is finished and provided all finances are settled, the Camella property is delivered to Buyer on a date specified in the Reservation Agreement.

Prior to move-in, the Buyer and Camella, the house and lot developer, will conduct a joint inspection of the unit due for turnover to confirm that all commitments are delivered.

For more of your questions about owning a Camella home, do type in your questions in the form below:

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Photo source: Camella Official Facebook page

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